Pronat Optical Films, Lens
and Display Assembly
Pronat offers a range of enhancement films and diffusers which dramatically improve the visual appearance of electronic device monitors and displays. These films offer a variety of solutions for:
- Improved readability
- Increased brightness
- Excellent contrast
- Colour uniformity
- Glare reduction
- Security & privacy
Automotive Displays
The move to electrification and the drive to autonomous vehicles can already be seen in new design concepts.
Advanced materials are essential for the design of multi-functional displays being built for improved performance.
Pronat can assist with specialist films & lenses
- High brightness
- Wide viewing angles
- Wide temperature ranges
- High image quality
- Anti-glare and reduced reflection
Assembly of Flight-deck Screens
Pronat offers to assemble ‘flight deck’ touch screens for civil and defense contractors requiring enhanced flight vision systems. This includes the lens and capsule assembly. Displaying clear and concise situational information on a touch activated display, allows for faster and more reliable decision making and control. Applications include civil and military aircraft, helicopters and automotive screens.
Large Area Display (LAD), High definition airborne display integrates high performance flight and mission data into a single unit, wider and slimmer than previously possible.